Wednesday, March 2, 2011


Elite: What is your favourite photographer you have worked with?
Soukiana: Rokas Darulis
E: What was your first modelling job?
S: Shooting for L'Official Morocco
E: What is your favourite film?
S: P.S I Love You
E: What is your nickname?
E: Guilty pleasure?
S: Chocolate flapjack, Pringles and Morrocan food of course!
E: Favourite person in the agency?
S: I like everyone but Marco is my favourite.
E: Best thing about London/Paris/Milan?
S: I absolutely love the weather in London. HA!
E: What did you want to be when you were younger?
S: Princess
E: Marmite: Love/Hate
S: HATE!!!
E: Who is your celebrity crush?
S: James Dean
E: If we took you to Starbucks right now what would you order?
S: Muffin
E: What song is most played on your ipod?
S: The Pretty Reckless - Goin Down
E: What did you have for breakfast today?
S: Cereal & croissants
E: How would you describe your style?
S: It depends on my mood
E: Which established model do you most admire?
S: Jessica Stam
E: What's your Facebook status at the moment?
S:  "I miss the Sun"
E: How much is a pint of milk?
S: 50p maybe...
E: What is your fashion week survival strategy?
S: Sleep a lot!
E: Tell us a joke.
S: Shauna's (E: Bennett, fellow Elite newbie) cooking (she'll kill me if she reads this!)
E: If you had a million pounds what would you spend it on?
S: Hmmm, buy a house in Venice!

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