Tuesday, March 8, 2011


I know you guys think I have fallen off the face of the earth, but I wanted to give an update on where I have been. For the past 3wks I have been fighting an terrible cold that took a turn for the worst over the weekend. Come to find out I have terrible allergies, so the doctor prescibed steroids, allegra and nasonex.
On top of all that I am a single parent to a beautiful little two year old boy who got sick over the weekend as well. My son Carter was diagnosed with two ear infections and some kind of lung infection. So he is on Amoxillian, steroids and a breathing machine.
I am glad to say God is good we are feeling a lot better today, however the doctor wants to see him one more time tomorrow morning before I let Carter go back to the outside world.
I have a lot of pictures and I have a fabulous giveaway. I will post tonight, so stay tuned.
Thanks for your support and shout out to my newest followers.

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