Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Some of my FAVORITE BLOGS.....................
Hands down my favorite blog, this blogger speaks fashion and inspirational words to live by.
She is truly an example of using her gift to fufill the great commission.
Never have I been more inspired to change a room around or take an average cookout to the next level as I have when reading my friend Nneka's blog.
One of the first blogs I came across, she will inspire you with her head to toe looks.
Kim Kardashian's stylist
I have learned so much from her, from makeup tips, hairstyles and where to get the latest trendy item.
Absolutely amazing, she pushes the envelope and forces you to think out the box with her fashion choices.
Fashion designer in the making, inspired me to get a sewing machine. Love her creativity and her passion to succeed.
Make-up tutorials that are so easy to understand.

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