Friday, March 5, 2010


So I had an interview yesterday, my fingers are crossed. I would love to get the position but ultimately whatever is for me, will be for me. It's all in God's hands, its important that I say that because even though this is a blog about my love for Glamorous things, I wouldn't feel right if I didn't proclaim who is number one in my life (Thank you Jesus).
This is the look I put together, everything I am wearing is something I owned already. Except for the top fromF21 for $22. I got this top because it put me in the mind set of Lanvin 3 seasons ago. Oh yeah, I am wearing one of my favorite pieces that belt is Givency (note to family and friends: please bury me with that belt) I kid I kid.

This was my inspiration for my make-up. I tore this out of an Essence magazine a couple of years ago. I have a folder full of tear outs from magazines. That's a little trick I learned from my friend Mia.

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