Monday, May 16, 2011

Hair Growth Update........................................

Here was my hair in November, as you guys know in January I started a healthy hair challenge. I wish I had fabulous news to report but there was a major set back with my hair.......

Here is my hair currently.
I got a sew-in weave in February to give my hair a break and to give myself a new look. Unfortunately I don't think my hair was in it's healthiest state before the sew-in and the weave didn't help it at all. Unlike most people the braids put a lot of tension on my hair and not being able to cut my ends regularly, caused a lot of breakage. So after I took the weave out, I got my hair treated and the dead ends cut off. When I finally got to see my real hair styled after wearing a weave for 10 weeks, I noticed it was much shorter and thinner. I was discouraged at first but, I know with the right regime I can get it back better than ever. I am on my Biotin pills and currently treating it with a Henna conditioner as I am typing this blog.

This was the sew-in I had for 10 weeks.

Now, if I want to add some length and thickness to my hair now, I just add some clip-ins.
With clip-ins I am able to really wash, moisturize and treat my hair properly and still get the variety that I like.
Stay tuned for my healthy hair growth process.

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