Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Saying goodbye is never easy

Today is the last day of August. I guess I have no choice but to say good-bye to summer. I always find it hard because I never want this season to end. What my summer was about...

The Mediterranean... What's not to love about this picture?

Waking up to this view in the south of France. The trees, the morning sun, the fresh air, the pool and the sound of birds singing...

The refreshing drinks (they're all non-alcoholic, by the way!). The one in the middle was the most delicious watermelon cocktail!

Outdoor festivals and desserts (here: crepe with Nutella).

Discovering nature with the family. The boys built a dam / useless bridge across a stream and I built a stone path, which led from our little picnic mat to the edge of the water. I really got into it and was busy for at least an hour, collecting stones - it felt strange but good to concentrate on something like this! (do you know the feeling?) 

And simply enjoying those warm, sunny days.

I will miss you, summer! 

p.s. I wanted to post more photos but had trouble uploading them. I've been having quite a few problems with blogger recently (including google friend connect). Anyone else?

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