Monday, May 24, 2010

Nature and food

It was finally sunny here and we spent most of the weekend outside. We went cycling, met up with friends, listened to jazz at an open air concert. I was feeling creative with the camera - hence the close-ups of flowers, grass and even the sky!

I also found a meadow (middle left pic) - with flowers, surrounded by tall, thick trees - that reminded me of a scene out of the first Twilight film. It's just after Bella's found out the truth about Edward and they are lying on their backs, wondering about the future - Twilight fans, you know what I'm talking about?

We went to an Italian restaurant. The prawn salad was delicious. There was also prosciutto with melon as a starter, pasta and Bellini of course. We had the watermelon at home - for me it is the perfect summer fruit.

It's another beautiful day today so I am going to sit outside... with a diet coke, maybe. I hope you had a great weekend with lots of sun, too? This will be a good week - not least because I have an award to pass on. Stay tuned!

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